Australian Certified Equine Hoof Care Practitioners
Commencing in 2007, this course is Australia's premier practical "hands on" equine hoof care course. The course focuses on diet, environment, trim, movement and horse knowledge. We provide a supportive and inclusive environment in which to learn the skills that you need to manage your own and your clients’ horses.
The certificate course was designed and developed to look not only at the horse's hoof, but the big picture, including the horse's diet, environment, movement, owner expectations and the role of the hoof care provider. Most importantly, it teaches students that the horse is the critic of your work. It doesn't matter how much the student knows or how long they have been trimming - the measure of success is how much the horse likes the trim and how much the client likes the service.
The Certificate in Equine Hoof Care gives students access and exposure to amazing teachers, information and experience. It enables students to gain two of the most important things for any career: Qualifications AND Experience.Our course offers a fantastic balance of horse management theory, class time, and practical hands on skills using real life horse hoof trimming situations. It is about the holistic horse, using practical skills combined with the latest scientific research to ensure students get the most rounded and complete education possible.O
n completion of this course students receive the industry recognised ‘Certificate of Equine Hoof Care’ from Australian Certified Equine Hoof Care Practitioners (ACEHP). Students will graduate as trained professionals ready to start their own equine hoof care business or improve the one they already have.The course is based on the 17 units which make up the Certificate III in Equine Hoof Care.
Students also have the opportunity to enrol in a further 12 months of study in conjunction with the ACEHP Certificate Course through our RTO (Registered Training Organisation) to gain a nationally recognised qualification – a Certificate III in Equine Hoof Care. This certificate runs simultaneously with the 12 months of the ACEHP certificate course, then continues for another 12 months involving more mentored field based hours and assignments.
All other enquires regarding the ACEHP 12 month certification course please direct to ACEHP student liaison officer Jacky Ynema (
Course Length
The course runs for 12 months. It starts out with a 2 week intensive face to face component, then there is a 12 month period where you complete assignments & mentorships at your own pace.
2026 dates – 9th to the 20th of February
Applications are open now!
Deloraine, Northern Tasmania, Australia
Monday 9th to Friday 20th of February 2026
Jeremy Ford & Jen Clingly- ACEHP co-directors & principal More info >
Jacky Ynema- ACEHP student liaison officer
Dr Neal Valk DVM DACVS- Vet and Barefoot trimmer from Tennessee, USA More info >
Carol Layton B.Sc M.Ed- Equine nutrition expert)
For more information or to apply please contact:
Jacky Ynema Student Liaison Officer 0408 263 168
OR Jen Clingly ACEHP co director 0408 838198
Course Trainers & Guest Speakers
This course gives students access and exposure to amazing teachers, information and experience. It enables students to gain two of the most important things for any career: Qualifications AND Experience.
Our experienced trainers work with horses and in the hoof care field every day. They are professional trimmers who are known around Australia for their work and expertise. Our trainers ride and compete on their own barefoot performance horses, demonstrating their ability to create the ultimate functional hoof. Our trainers pride themselves on providing students with ongoing support during and after the course - they really want to see you succeed!
Our guest speakers showcase a huge range of professional talent with international vets, top professors, renowned equine nutritionists, effective and gentle horse trainers, bodyworkers, and more!
Once students have completed the two week practical block and arrived home, the first thing to organise is mentorships. Students must complete 1-2 day mentorships with a minimum of 3 different mentors. Mentors can be ACEHP certified practitioners, equine vets or bodyworkers. Student reports from mentors are part of course assessment.
What is the course like?
It is a hands-on, fun and educational horse care course. It is a great environment in which to learn the skills that you need to manage your own and your clients horses. It's not overwhelmed with science, measurements or myths, but has enough to get students thinking and have them challenged. Fundamentally, what is taught is relevant to the field of horse care and hoof care. Students will graduate as trained professionals ready to start their own business or improve the one they already have.
The course was designed and developed to look not only at the horse's hoof, but the big picture, including the horse's diet, environment, movement, its owners expectations and the role of the hoof care provider. Most importantly, it teaches students that the horse is the critic of your work. It doesn't matter how much the student knows or how long they have been trimming. The measure of success is how much the horse likes the trim and how much the client likes the service.
The course focuses on diet, environment, trim, movement and horse knowledge. It is about the holistic horse, using practical hands on skills combined with the latest scientific research to ensure students get the most rounded and complete education possible.
Get started with the 2 week Intensive
The first component of the course involves the students completing a two week intensive block under expert tuition. The two week intensive involves a mixture of classroom based learning & lectures, hands on practical training & field based excursions. Students are guided throughout all activities by experienced & caring trainers who are able to help all students no matter what skill level or prior knowledge they bring to the practical block.
Topics covered in the block include hoof form and function, practical trimming skills, distal limb anatomy, hoof pathologies, equine nutrition, running a small business, client relations, hoof boots, physical fitness for trimming – just to name a few!
During the 12 months following the practical block students need to complete a set number of case studies and written assignments at their own pace. Written assignments are designed to be easily achievable.
The main part of the assignments are the case studies. Students will present a progressive photographic journal on a minimum of five case study horses. Each case study includes client testimonials, progressive photographic records of horse hooves, notes on each photo set etc. Students to complete case studies for the duration of complete new hoof capsule growth on each horse (8-12 months). The case studies are a comprehensive learning process for students to understand the consequences of trims and advice both for the horse and owner expectations, the effects of environment and changes in seasonal diets on the hooves and the final results over a full hoof capsule growth.
Of course, the ACEHP team are there to support you throughout this process via phone and email. We also have an interactive and supportive Facebook group for all ACEHP practitioners and trainees.
Final Assessment
The last assignment which students must complete in order to receive their Certificate in Equine Hoof Care is the “Final Live Trim”. This assignment needs to be completed toward the end of the 12 months, and is designed to showcase everything the student has learnt throughout the course and their field based experience. The trim can be done in person with an ACEHP leadership team member if there is one local, or it can be recorded and sent to the assessors as a short video..
““This course offered everything I needed to become a professional hoof care provider....All of this is backed up by a fantastic support team from my extremely knowledgeable lecturers.”